By yellowjacket_34 - 13/11/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I was a TA watching the class take a test. I didn't realize that the projector was still on while I was searching the Internet. They watched me google "chronic itchy anus". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 794
You deserved it 54 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really, really tried to come up with something clever and witty to say here, but nothing's coming. The only thing I can do is shake my head. FYL, as well as the lives of your students. What an odd image to have of your TA.

imperfectclarity 0

Wipe yourself better after going to the bathroom. Then you won't itch as much.


I hoped you learned something from this, which should be along the lines of: computers you use at work are for your work. Not your anus. ..Oooh, that sounded a little dirty... whoops.

swamp ass? the cure is to take a ******* shower, hippie!

LOL. That sucks so much. at least you werent watching **** or looking up gross images?

I dunno, he could have meant Google Images... eek.

Rarecabbage 0

Haha. My geometry teacher my freshman year accidentally pulled up "dirty images". When he was going through his mail(projector on), he came upon a penis enlargement ad in his mail box. He thought it would just be words, but let's just say that there definitely was very large, blown up pictures of the real thing. :P Don't ask me why he clicked the mail in the first place or how he managed to not get fired for showing a class of about 30 a penis. o.0

kristidgranger 3

how can someone right YDI for having an anus! are they five! if u don't have one than u got problems buddy! funny fml though

You mean "write"? The word "right" has a different meaning. Is English your second language?

If you can't distinguish between homonyms and you often invoke the use of "u" to mean "you", and you end questions with an exclamation point... you might have worse problems than the guy who has no anus.

#74: Get your use of quotation marks right. Use single quotations for quotes within quotes, not double. Better yet, don't be a self-righteous donkey and tell other people to be perfect when you are not. That would work too.

hmmm isn't that what you just did?? hmmmm...

Op, you just took your stupidity to the next level. Congratulations! :)

And that is why you don't google stuff about anuses at work. To make matters worse, you might have pinworms!

perdix 29

Ironically, it's an Astronomy class and one of the answers was "Uranus." I wonder if Chronicitchy is one of the moons of Uranus.