By Anonymous - 10/06/2010 19:26 - United States

Today, I walked into work to see my boss's hot son. I wanted him to notice me, so I did my "sexy walk". I then slipped and fell onto my desk, broke my desk, and sprained my wrist. Oh he noticed me alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 328
You deserved it 50 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're asking for it by trying to date the boss's kid....anyone have an example of that working out? ever?

kalopadi 0

o that's ok! ha ha I bet that was funny


If you have looks and personality, surely you don't need to do a "sexy walk" to get attention. That sounds just gross.

YDI for failing your sexy walk, practice it at home i guess

Who are you? The female Chris Farley.

Ohxitsxdani 0

Hahaha as I was reading this a song started playing 'nobody saw you fall,nobody saw you fall.'(: Anyways that sucks OP. Hopefully he saw it as cute.?(:

smoooooooth, maybe next time there champ lol

tokio had a conversation on someone elses fml and some1 asked her to put up some body pics