By lalalaisling - 08/05/2013 16:21 - Ireland - Cork

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend of 7 years with another woman. He panicked and blamed it on the "long distance" and how we "never see each other". We've lived in the same neighbourhood since we were 5 years old, and we've lived together for the past four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 935
You deserved it 5 407

lalalaisling tells us more.

lalalaisling 10

hey, OP here. If only I could blame whiskey! Also I have to admit, the stereotype is somewhat true.

Top comments

What a cheating bastard. Now this is one of the few FMLs I've seen where it's perfectly acceptable to dump his ass right then and there!

Close the remaining distance between your foot and his balls.


It's amazing what kind of dumb excuses a man or woman will give when they get caught cheating.

brendejafulable 41

Just go and leave him ! It's not worth you stressing over !

Louis1992 9

Ppl blame him but what if u weren't satisfying him like he should be? U gotta think of the reasons on y he would do that?

that's why there's a thing called "breaking up". you know it right? ending a relationship you aren't happy in and both parties go their separate ways....not that hard. a lot easier than sneaking Jane out before Molly comes home

#67, wow, you not ony write like a 12-year-old, but think like one too...

Louis1992 9

Yep. The guy that takes grammar seriously on a ******* fml app. Bitch

Louis1992 9

Did u get offended by my comment? Cuz u sure sound defensive. All im saying is that there's always a reason why ppl cheat, specially after being together that long. Or maybe I'm wrong. Don't get ur panties up on a bunch shit.

Louis1992 9

It goes both ways. I live in a military town in Texas. I've heard about so much cheating is practically normal but guess what. Most of them are the women cheating on their spouses while they r deployed nd fighting for our country. That's sickening... So I'm just saying maybe he's just a prick or maybe he ha a reason....

theres still no reason. just end it. either that or agree on an open relationship

I kinda gotta agree with the time lady. (Aka, 90) but I do hope they can work it out. If its been good for that long, people make mistakes. Immature ones, but mistakes all the same.

if he's worrying about his cover story with his slam piece instead of his girlfriend of 7 years, then not only do i believe he doesn't love the op* anymore, i'm not sure he either, ever did love her or he's incapable of feeling anything, including love. because to spend 7 years with someone and then turn around and hurt them that deeply is beyond cruel! and i can't believe it's possible to crush someone you love like that. and he deserves to have his balls removed with a hot piece of barbed wire, then shoved down his throat, again barbed wise and all :) then strung up by his very teany tiny ****, another hot wire wrapped tightly and repeatedly around and then connected to the ceiling fan, industrial, and turned on high. wee wee weeeeee!! sounds like fun to me.

austx 3

Op, I believe you are not telling us the whole story. Definitely not defending your boyfriend, but I don't think he would use such a dumb excuse.

JustStella 28

The fact that he's known you for so long and has dated you for so many years and can pull that sort of disrepect boggles my mind. It makes me wonder what other crap he's pulled. I hope you enjoyed the 7 years, and I hope you've arranged it so you never have to see him again. Scumbag doesn't even begin to cover it.

All I know is that if I caught my girlfriend in bed with another woman, I'd be like "damn, you didn't invite me?"

monkeyy100 15

7 years of your life wasted on that piece of poop -_- sorry op..

Wow, what a scumbag. You deserve someone better.