By HeIsKindaRightTho - 16/09/2014 04:31 - United States - Houghton

Today, I video-chatted with my mom and showed her my new, very short haircut. My dad walked in, took one look at me and said, "I can only attribute this to penis envy," and walked out again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 326
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24


Girls with short hair can be very sexy... just saying.

Is no one going to mention her tag name lol

amberv61 22

A couple of people already mentioned it

cryssycakesx3 22
AnalSpelunking 19

One of the most interesting theories sigmund Freud created was penis envy

cutebutterfly12 4

Why do men make everything that doesn't have anything to do with their penis suddenly about their penis?

sweetnsourrr 11

Its a joke, chill out and he was basically said she wanted a penis.

cutebutterfly12 4

My original statement still stands. Joke or not. Her new short haircut doesn't have anything to do with his penis.

cryssycakesx3 22

his comment didn't have anything to do with his penis either...

Azellia 15

Just looking through the comments I'm noticing how every comment about people liking long hair better or not liking short hair on girls is down-voted.

sweetnsourrr 11

Its because some people are sensitive about it and don't like people telling them what to do with their hair or can't accept that some people just dont share the preference. It's okay to have a preference just don't tell people what to do with their own hair, its just hair it's grows

sweetnsourrr 11