By jobless - 20/01/2009 16:52 - France

Today, I've been dating a girl for a year and she's only touched my penis twice. Once by accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 052
You deserved it 12 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

Oh, shut up. If you can't stand to be with a girl who has morals, you don't deserve her.

popcorn_fml 0

it may be hard for some of you to believe but you CAN have a relationship without sex.


You don't deserve to have your penis touched you little bitch.

teffysayshi 8

LOL this made me laugh. But I agree. He's being a whiney little bitch about it.

ive been dating my girlfriend for a month and a half and shes already given me a ******* and im 14 :]

Foxy_lover 0

Oh, don't worry, that just means your gf's a slag :)

gangstapebbles89 0

who gives a crap? i think YDI for making the relationship move too fast

Lawl together for almost a year and a half and no penis touching. Long distance doesn't help xD

Aerobaby37 4

Totally the coolest kid ever lol

Aerobaby37 4

Wow, is that all you ******* people think about?

"Grandma, I've been staying with you for a year now, and all I've had to eat is bread crumbs and chicken bones." "IS FOOD ALL YOU THINK ABOUT??!! UNGRATEFUL CHILD!" Sex is normal, and if you are an adult and not asexual, not having sex in a committed relationship is not normal. If you are not an adult, bravo for waiting! If you are asexual, good for you! That's a real sexual orientation and you deserve respect. Otherwise, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. Not normal.