By angrypetowner - 29/03/2016 03:24 - United States - Warrensburg

Today, I tried to train my cat to scratch the scratching post by giving her a treat every time she used it, but she took that as getting a treat every time she scratched something. Now, not only does she scratch all my furniture, but she also meows for a treat while doing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 318
You deserved it 4 854

Same thing different taste

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My brother used to have a few pennies in a small sandwich like container. He shook it every time his cat was scratching something up, or jumping up on tables. The cat REALLY hated the noise the pennies made.

Do not use spray bottles to deter cats from doing something, if she tends to scratch somewhere more than others put tinfoil on the ground by it as cats dont like the feel of it on their paws, or buy more scratching posts and put them everywhere she likes to scratch. Also try to put catnip on the scratching post, but the main thing is DO NOT USE A WATER SPRAY BOTTLE!!! Cats do not learn things like us and do not understand that what they are doing is wrong and just see you as terrorising them


Confirmed: cats are assholes. Solution: adopt a dog. "Man's best friend"

if it has short fur, you can use a spray bottle as punishment for scratching unwanted things. if it has long fur, don't use a spray bottle, use a nerf gun.

When our dogs would chew up the insulation on our exposed pipes, we'd put tobasco sauce on it. They at least hated that level of spicy. If you find something that mildly irritates the paws, even if you only use it for a short time, it should fix the problem.

I am reading a lot of comments that dogs cause more damage but in my experience it has nothing to do with species, just the level of training that the animal has.