By only1bigdogme - 03/09/2011 05:24 - United States

Today, I tried to scare a new college friend by sneaking up behind her wearing a mask. It worked. And so did her lightning fast reflexes developed from multiple martial arts championships. My 2 cracked ribs, broken nose and bruised ballsack can now be added to her list of achievements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 759
You deserved it 53 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I agree your life sucks but at the same time , you totally deserved it :/

Hahaha I like your friend! She knows how to take care of herself.

leadman1989 15

I think if this was a girl scaring a guy no one would be telling her how she deserved to have her boobs stomped in. The guy was just trying to make fun, if the result hadn't been so painful they probably would gave had a good laugh.

You are a dumbfuck. A total and utter dumbfuck. End your life now because it will not be a good one.

FajitaFreak 3

So she beats him up, admittedly with a justifiable cause that turned out to be unwarranted, and it's his fault? Huh? If a girl tried this, and the boyfriend beat her up in the same way, he'd go to ******* jail. Would you people stop with the motherfucking double standards and hypocrisy? It really pisses me off. He did not deserve this.

some_girl9 8

You are an idiot if you really believe that. He walked right into this one because he snuck up behind her, and she acted on instinct. Are you saying she was wrong to defend herself when she thought she was being attacked?

FajitaFreak 3

I am saying that if a girl did this to a guy, and the guy reacted the same way, he'd be in jail.

think: at what point of this in depth beating did she not realize it was him? seriously. and a guy would not/could not get away with this.

ok... I just saw he was wearing a mask....partly deserved. though I still think if roles were switched there'd be a lawsuit at least

systim30 1

you really earned that one ... dumbass

kouklistax3 2

One time I scared the security guard at my job. He screamed like a little girl. That's on my list of achievements considering he was a big ass dude.