By ilovechickens - 15/04/2012 03:46 - United States

Today, I tried to be kind to animals and get my dad to buy cage-free eggs. When I told him it was dollar more, he started yelling and making a scene in the middle of the store, saying that chickens are ugly and they deserve to suffer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 783
You deserved it 6 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you're so concerned about it buy them yourself...not to sound harsh but your dad obviously isn't on board

unicornfairy 0

Chickens are not ugly! They are cute.


17 - By your reasoning, poison dart frogs were created for our consumption as well. Specifically for your consumption.

Chickens are a little creepy. Being able to run around without heads. *shiver*

taurusxdee 10

Well, they wouldn't run around without heads of no one cut them off!

I dislike chickens. My grandfather had a rooster and it attacked me when I was kid ._. We had chicken for dinner..

Your grandfathers **** was trying to show its dominance. ****, that sounds wrong.

I choked on my late night dinner reading that. Thank you The_A_Teen. You almost killed me. XD

Yeah, almost... *lurks in the shadows with shifty eyes

43, Your mistake was in the words "by your reasoning". There was no reasoning there, just a mash up of words that coincidentally form an actual sentence. It had as much thought behind it as his parents gave when they figured the pull out method was foolproof.

Wow...flipping out over a dollar. Either your Dad is really bad in his finances, or he's a total child. A simple 'no' would have sufficed.

Birdie_Sage 0

Can't even buy it yourself? Even though it's a dollar more?

taurusxdee 10
clynne093 0

If you're SO concerned about animals DONT eat them!!

OP means that (s)he doesn't want to eat animal products that comes from animals who suffer (which is basically the majority of animals mass produced for consumers in the United States.)

... That would be going against nature.

MissHayleyJames 7

ATeen please do some research before spreading misinformation, and PETA and HSUS are not reliable sources. The only real suffering food animals face on a mass scale is stress. Pain and injury are extremely minimal and are typically caused by another animal, not humans or machinery.

taurusxdee 10

Don't listen to these assholes. Thank you for trying to make a difference, and protect animals. It means a lot. No one deserves to suffer, especially a creature that can't stand up for itself. How would any of you like it if I stuffed your parents and relatives into a small room, abused them, under or over fed them and used whatever I needed from them then tossed the rest to the side? Exactly.

I love how saying this how you did you even called people who agree with you assholes. Not everyone is thinking omelette right now.

Actually I was thinking about putting her in an omlette

65- Why do we have to pull religion into this?