By meteorbabe0101 - 14/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, I took the bus to work. A sweet old lady got on after and sat next to me. Halfway there, she fell asleep, her head on my shoulder. I gently tried to wake her up before my stop. She wasn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799 665
You deserved it 65 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(

That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.


dizzzane 0

hah 99 said it... this website IS "silly".

Cormophyte 0

You know she crapped her pants at some point after she died, right? You had poopy-pants dead old lady on you.

darkimmortal777 6

wow that sucks. rip lady of which I don't know the name of. how did you get her off....was it gross? did she like fall over limp?