By Joey - 04/06/2016 18:52 - United States - Apo

Today, I took my girlfriend to her ex-boyfriend's apartment for her to exchange his spare car keys for some of her grandmother's items. I waited outside in the parking lot for an hour, with no idea which door was his. She came out no longer a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 167
You deserved it 2 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The value of virginity certainly isn't what it used to be, but damn, that sucks. You were doing your girlfriend a service, trusting her enough to do this, and she walks out of someone's apartment with her cherry popped. I hope you didn't let that slide.


All that matters at this point is that you dumped her. Please tell us you did.

How sickening :( She better be dumped!

You should serenade her with a classic Ray Charles song as she's coming back to the car. I don't know, maybe"Hit the road Jack. "

Not gonna lie i'd have left her there. That is some bullshit.

All these people talking about how bad of a person she is but all I can think about is why you didn't go inside with her