By mark - 05/03/2012 22:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I took my girlfriend out to a nice restaurant for our anniversary. Mid-way through the meal, a guy at the table across left for the restroom. My girlfriend reached over and swiped the guy's wallet from the table. My gonads went AWOL, and I couldn't even bring myself to call her out on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 214
You deserved it 29 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I am amazed that you could not bring yourself to call her out on stealing. That makes you just as horrible.

I agree!!! Being in shock aside, do the right thing!!!!

So you can say it on here but not to her

Your a pussy and she's got balls. You better be ready to get some serious ass kicking if you stick with that bitch

Btw, #4 gonads is like a guys private nd awol is absent without official leave you can thank urban dictionary

almost34 4

Before people ask, AWOL=Away WithOut Leave

You should check your bank account..

combatsoldier 9

a guessing your military huh

perdix 29

Snitches get stitches. Jus' sayin'.

MargieDrury 1

Tf? Snitching I'd get outta there.

bootz412 0

Yeah and thieves get killed, I'm not a snitch but there's a difference between "snitching" and doing what's right

someindiandude 6

Either your girlfriend is a kleptomaniac and this is the first you have noticed, or she isn't a klepto but she took it for the address of that person so she can hook up with him.....hmmn yeah either way you are screwed

MargieDrury 1