By jgboy - 14/09/2014 15:32 - United States - Franklin Park

Today, I took my girlfriend of a year out on a date, a nice fancy dinner and a movie. After dinner, I said that I was feeling sick and just wanted to go home. I didn't have the heart to tell her that dinner was so expensive that I didn't have money for the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 180
You deserved it 9 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#ThugLife We've all been in a similar situation, making up something so you don't have to say that you don't have cash. No hard feels...

ash0158 15

I'm sure she appreciated dinner! I'm sorry you couldn't take her out to the movie though, next time set a budget for each event maybe.


don't feel so bad. if she really loves you she wouldn't get mad that you guys couldn't go to the movies. I'm more of a person that would eat than see a silly movie. you can always see it later

Hey you did something nice for her! Don't feel bad.

Couldn't even tell the truth to your girlfriend of a year? Pathetic.

TahoeFMler 22

Next time just be honest with her. After a year she should be paying for herself. My bf and i always split the costs for dinners and movies so we both dont waste too much. Unless its her birthday or valentines day, i dont see why she wouldnt be okay with paying for the movies since you paid for dinner. Which probably costs more than the movies anyway.

Get her to pay for herself! Me and my bf always split bills or take turns treating each other. Why should you pay for someone who's perfectly able to pay their own way, just because of some antiquated tradition...?

If you've been dating for a year and she really loves you she would understand and either pay for the movie herself or the two of you could have gone to your place to watch a movie. Be honest with her not embarrassed, she will understand.

I think it's a bit embarrassing but if she is the girl.. She will understand! :)

Plan ahead next time! But it's sweet that you went the extra mile for your girl.

The extra mile was going home. Alone. Without watching a movie.