By oneillrox - 03/11/2011 20:06 - United States

Today, I took my cat to the vet for an x-ray. They found three dollar coins in his stomach. The surgery to remove them is $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 829
You deserved it 4 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DanGleesak 11
every1luvsboners 11

Give the cat two more dollar coins and it should shit out a five dollar bill.


*hits you in the face with a chair* well... I warned you!

MaaaanWTF 1

Cost versus benefit analysis. Find out how much it is to put the cat down. Little bastard is likely to do that again.

Harlequin073 6

At least you already made a $3 down payment

It's important to keep money in the kitty for emergencies.

You're making good progress, only $597 to go.

melanierules123 7

Don't do it! He will poop them out later sorry if if your not a poo going through person... Any body see raising hope on Tuesday?

it costs $597total, or $30 for a new cat..