By NoJobNovember - 06/11/2014 19:09 - United States - Wadsworth

Today, I took a video of a fellow employee doing nothing but watching YouTube videos at work. When I showed the video to my boss, hoping he'd be reprimanded, I got fired for operating video equipment on company grounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 554
You deserved it 38 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's brutal. Perhaps anonymity is the way to go.

floup_fml 13


Yeah, that's a lame move. You completely had that coming.

cookie1207 19

Why would you wanna get him fired?! Justice serves you well

OP said reprimanded. Not fired. As in a word from the boss saying "quit ******* around and do your job"

That's an asshole-ish thing to do, you could've made someone else lose their job...

Op you should have just kept to yourself.

Thats the Result of acting like a douchebag

making assumptions all from an fml? idiot

Op you should have just kept to yourself.

well in the future, try not to worry about what other people are doing but worry about yourself and how you can improve... he'll get what he deserves sooner or later.?

As long as he wasn't affecting you, why would you do that?

Fr0gs 15

Your definitely that person no1 likes

You deserved it. First, it is not your responsibility to report your coworkers when it likely is not affecting your own job. Second, you should know company policy well enough to at least ask your boss's permission before filiming for a valid purpose, and go from there. Your fault for not using common sense.