By abbyleigh08 - 17/02/2009 07:01 - United States

Today, I told my mom I want to try out for American Idol. She responded with, "You don't take disappointment well." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 352
You deserved it 30 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Adam_B 0

Sucks, but sometimes honesty IS the best policy. Better your mom telling you than Simon Cowell telling the world, eh?

Statistically speaking, you probably got one in a million, literally. When you watch the show, they only show the "weird" ones, but in reality, most people don't make it. However, don't let that keep you from you dreams. If you like singing, definitely give it a shot. The worst thing that will happen is that they'll say no. But even then, it just depends on how you take it as.


At least you found out before embarassing yourself in front of the nation.