By heather - 20/06/2011 22:25 - Canada

Today, I told my husband that I was going to get a swimsuit from the Victoria's Secret catalog. He replied, "Are you going to get the body to go with it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 694
You deserved it 10 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theonlysweetpea 10

Tell him that once he starts lookin like a pro athlete, you'll get that figure but until then go change a lightbulb!

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good one dad

tell him "well, when I get my suit, are you going to get a better dick for *******?"

jadejazmyn 5

That was the rudest thing he could possiibly say

tell him that while your gonna go to the gym hes gonna have to make dinner, do the laundry, clean the house, and all the chores, he aint gonna find that funny

ahhh nice you have a keeper on your hands my friend...FYmarrigeL

allthatremains25 0

wow your husband is mean! next time he goes out to buy tools ask him if he's sure he's man enough for them.

I'm sorry OP that made me laugh hard.