By Baby eater - 20/05/2014 00:00 - United States - Clarksville

Today, I told my 4-year-old neighbor that I'm pregnant. His response was to attack me with a stick "for swallowing a baby." Three people had to pull him off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 498
You deserved it 5 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omgitsmoe 26

3 people? That's one strong 4 year old


Should of swallowed him as well, if he's that rude I'm sure his parents wouldn't mind.

Haha, the innocence of small children never fails to amuse me!

And this is why I will be honest with my kids as they ask me questions about body parts, sex, and where babies come from. As they age they'll get more details but there's no reason a 4 year old should be beating a pregnant woman for "eating a baby".

threer 30

God, OP.. Where's your humanity? Served you damn right.