By Ouch - 14/07/2009 02:25 - United States

Today, I thought it would be sexy to cook dinner in lingerie. Today, my boyfriend thought it would be funny to scare me while I was cooking. I jumped and burned my boobs with boiling cooking oil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 557
You deserved it 15 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cook and lingerine?! Those two words together in the same sentence? He had it made until then. Now all he'll be seeing is the dark walls of his doghouse. FHL


you don't boil oil you boil water. but still this sucks :/

gromble 0

Oil is a liquid. Any liquid can be boiled, not just water, dumbass. Boiling is defined as "rapid vaporization of a liquid". Water isn't the only liquid substance on the planet.

tacoman007 2

#117, mister science didn't seem to notice that it's "evaporation" not "vaporization". Normally I wouldn't comment on what seems to be a typo, but not only were you not even close, you ****** up in the process of attempting to call someone a dumb ass. Dumb ass.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

That doesn't sound like human instinct at all. Jump from one danger into a worse one? Or does it? Kinda like jumping off a cliff to get away from someone.

das gross why the hell would u cook in yo undies

THAT MADE MY DAY! LOL but seriously... Fml op

deadbabyjesus 2

that will leave a sexy scar. I bet it hurt like hell.