By embarrassed - 21/12/2009 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I texted my Dad to tell him I'm staying at my boyfriend's house and won't be home. Since I had predictive text on, my phone didn't quite get the word 'home' - the message I sent said, 'I'm staying at Will's, I'll not be good tonight.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 316
You deserved it 29 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhm not gunna lie I had to read this FML a good couple times until I understood it. I found you worded it oddly. Maybe its just me.. ahah


reidcamphor 0

yeah i remember moderating this. awesome

driedpeaches 0

the good/home swap used to get me all the time.

OP, someone invented this really cool thing called proofreading. I totally suggest you use it with your texts.

thingamajiga 5

hAHAHA You took the words right out of me .

seriously.. if laughter is the best medicine, i just got rid of my cancer.

fyl511 0

I wish laughter was the cure for cancer, that would be amazing :)

look if u have predictive text on its probably because u want to text ur not going to double check everything u write!!! if everyone did that then funny things like this would never happen and then we would have nothing to talk about.....and that was funny!!! Really really funny!

If anything, he probably appreciates the honesty.

FAIL. I hate that T9/predictive text sh!t! To be honest you should know better than to use it or at the very least double-checked your message before you sent the damn thing! I bet your dad's expression was priceless though! XD YDI all the way. Be a good girl next time! :P

fyl511 0

Hahahaha! This is the most hilarious fmylife I've ever read! Well, I hope he understands. :) I can't believe your parents let you stay over at your boyfriend's house, though. Unless your eighteen I guess.

I'm 18 and im not allowed to sleep over at my bfs, cuz I live with my parents...

this is hilarious! rofl. predictive type is a pain tho, i can't count the numbe rof times i've texted people and asked them if they "wanted to go to the mother"... mother=movies.

teenie1407 0