By mademoiselleaus - 06/12/2011 12:26 - Australia

Today, I started at my new waitressing job. Our uniforms have the name of the restaurant on the left chest pocket. My first customer asked me what the other boob was called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 916
You deserved it 3 320

mademoiselleaus tells us more.

mademoiselleaus 2

Ella and Fitzgerald? Maria and Sharapova? Harry and Potter? Oh, the endless possibilities!

Top comments

That's actually kind of funny...but if you're hot you better learn to get used to these kind of remarks

bitchslapped22 14


Capt_Oblivious 10

Tell him it doesn't have a name yet but, if he leaves you a big enough tip, he can name it anything he likes. Exploit those opportunities to make a few extra dollars.

ohmyhotdogonabun 0

Seriously: what's the name of the other boob?

SxeDaze 13

Tasha sounds like the perfect name for a right boob.

gabrielbaby 9

I was thinking Trina, but Tasha sounds better

perdix 29

It's called "Poop in your Food." Would you like to try the chocolate pie?

After reading your profile description, I no longer find anything you say to be funny. You make this site sound like a business, which takes away from the light hearted fun of just being able to have a good laugh at some funny comments or some odd situations. That being said, stop trying >.>

perdix 29

I thought Perdix's profile was funny, actually. What's wrong with it?

Obviously some people aren't quite able to connect the dots >.>

jacquesromualdez 12

The other one's named "Will You ****** Please Stop Staring At My ****?" and my name's _op's_name_ and I'll be your waitress for the evening. So, can I get you anything sir?

You're not funny. It's about time you realize that...

^ why do you hate him? he probably ****** your mom didn't he.

Schizomaniac 24

The story could read "Today, after ending world hunger and developing a cure for HIV, cancer, and diabetes, everyone I loved spontaneously combusted," and there would still be people who would vote "YDI." Welcome to FML.