By mademoiselleaus - 06/12/2011 12:26 - Australia

Today, I started at my new waitressing job. Our uniforms have the name of the restaurant on the left chest pocket. My first customer asked me what the other boob was called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 916
You deserved it 3 320

mademoiselleaus tells us more.

mademoiselleaus 2

Ella and Fitzgerald? Maria and Sharapova? Harry and Potter? Oh, the endless possibilities!

Top comments

That's actually kind of funny...but if you're hot you better learn to get used to these kind of remarks

bitchslapped22 14


Epictacos18 0

Ok that's funny I will start doing this lawl...

emmanizzer 6

Isn't that the punch line of a "dumb blonde" joke?

mademoiselleaus 2

Seriously, since I wrote this, it’s happened 3 more times. Always laugh it off, but still searching for the perfect retort.

redhedsaysrawr 18

read the comment page... im sure theres bound to be something someone posts...

blink978 1

It was probally a joke and your a drama queen.

WinterBlue42 22

It is obviously a joke. And obscene and unneeded joke. >:l

RacistPancake 6

It was a joke and a pretty good one. Laugh and take his order.

Devyn12 0

At my job I have to where a pin that says buy my shirt... Imagine how many comment on that I get so don't complain..

What's the restaurant called? Hahaha