By shredded - 12/02/2011 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent three and a half hours creating a Wikipedia page for myself. Three minutes after publishing, it was deleted due to me being a "Non-notable person nobody's ever heard of." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 323
You deserved it 56 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted107 4

that's probably why it got deleted

you think that highly of yourself? aww, did your poor ego get a boo-boo?


yutsnme 0

LOL, that made me really laugh! that sucks!!

Don't create Wikipedia pages for yourself. If you're famous enough to merit one, someone else will do it.

It's hard to get a wikipedia page put up for a person. This is far from FML-worthy. Go see a damn therapist if that makes you so depressed.

Who are you to determine what is FML worthy...? Haha I thought it was funny. I suppose people have different tastes.

Sherminator234 0

Im sorry but thats hilarious :D

YDI for making a Wikipedia page for yourself. That's just sad.

You have to known by the media to get you're page on Wikipedia Or at least be a YouTube sensation.

CoolStoryBrahhx 0

Wikipedia isn't a site for auto biographies of insignificant people That are not known for anything. It's an informational site, not trying to be rude, but what reason would anyone have to look you up for anything?

Um... if you have three and a half hours to waste on creating a wikipedia page for YOURSELF, I think I have an idea about why you are "non-notable".