By Smoothskin - 19/09/2013 21:18 - Australia - Heidelberg

Today, I shaved my face after several months of growth. This would be OK if my 4-year-old daughter would still talk to me. Apparently she doesn't recognise me, and I'm scary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 290
You deserved it 3 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least now you know that she won't talk to strangers!

epicRawrz 16

That's why you got to do the whole 'shave with daddy' thing and let her watch you.


cm27_fml 1

My two sisters and I all have done that to our father when he shaved. Even as adults none of us like when he cuts his beard too short.

The same thing happened when my mom changed her hair color to blonde and my sister who at the time was five ran screaming away from her.

My sister didn't recognize my father after he shaved also...and she was 16.

Ferreesley 3

my mother once told me the same thing happened with my father. so I'm assuming it's pretty common. haha

sugarbear0727 19

Lmfao. That's funny. I'm sorry your daughter won't talk to you, little ones are funny like that. My 5 year old niece won't talk to me for a few hours after I dye my hair. She has to get used to the new color before she feels comfortable enough to play with me. We watch movies together and she always asks me to play ponies or barbies with her.

Aww that's adorable, she misses her 'old' dad

When i was a kid i didnt talk to my dad when he shaved his beard either. I would only talk to him if i didnt see him face to face!

My mom changed her hair color when I was little and I cried at the sight of her, lolz

happyfingers 15

Hahahaha that sucks XD My dogs freaked out on my mom before after she dyed her hair. But just as they did, your daughter will get used to you soon enough. Next time you shave though, might I suggest letting her watch so she knows that it is, in fact, still you?

MsMurphy8613 12

Lol that is pretty common for kids her age seeing their dad without facial hair for the first time. It usually helps if you let kiddo watch you shave.