By 1suckatL1fe - 04/05/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, I sent everyone a text on my phone book saying, "Happy Star Wars Day!!! May the Fourth be with you!!" I forgot to uncheck my ex-girlfriend's number. She texted back, "One of the many reasons I broke up with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 763
You deserved it 72 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're better off without her if she can't appreciate that.

I never new there was a star wars day ...


So i have this new theory... I think people that make excessive jabs at strangers on the internet are compensating for having small penises/wide vaginas.... It's like how people used to use expensive red sports cars. Basically, i think #15 has an inordinately tiny penis and after a couple girls laughed too hard to actually be able to have sex with him, the anger built up and he had to take it out here... It's just a theory though

mcsnelly 5

#142-um..not everyone leaves a comment

LMAO!!! my teacher wrote this on the board last year. LOL but sorry about your ex. Btw ew at 141.

Kristoffer 35

YDI - but in a good way. Yer better off without her and this shows it.

I think #15 got banne for life because there is no #15 anymore!!

Like others i'll say YDI just for still having here number but she does sound like a bitch, and #31...You shouldn't keep things bottled up, tell us how you REALLY feel.

haha... #147 is right.. 15/72/100 are all gone.. as much as i'm glad to see the dick get punished, it was kinda entertaining to see an idiot like that walking around.. it's like a zoo and the internet is the cages!

****** A I forgot to put a d and the end of banned.......I was just too excited to see that piece of shit get the boot....but he can always make another account and come back and be the some douche that he is.

Whatever dude, she just can't appreciate it. No skin off your back.

lolbitch 0