By airborne - 06/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I saw someone drive recklessly as if they were drunk. When I called the cops, I got pulled over by another cop for talking on my cell phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 160
You deserved it 17 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. I'm sure if you explain to the judge they should drop the ticket or at least the fee partially.

Leptailurus 0

As much as I hate when people talk on their cell phones while driving, I have to admit that billboard is horribly misleading in that case. I agree, FYL.


way to be, narc. Karma's a bitch ain't it!?

thebigal78 0

That's what you get for being a tattle tail

ahahaha that is sad but hilarious. show them your call history and they'll let you by.

fallnangel7 0

you can get pulled over for taking on ur phone! pmsl!! you unlucky son of a bitch!

I hope he realized that by law you are allowed to call 911 in the state of California without Bluetooth. Cases of emergency are dismissed. All he had to do was show the judge he called 911 and he wouldn't have had to pay.

better to die than die a snitch, no one respects you and rightfully so.

JessieWallis 0

that's what you get for getting in other peoples business.

that's what you get for being a snitch...

ydi that's really dumb what did you expect?