By Anonymous - 17/10/2010 05:55 - United States

Today, I saw my boyfriend shaving his pubic hair before we had sex. This would be fine, except he was saying "Nom nom nom, I eat cock hairs" to his electric razor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 953
You deserved it 8 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gmor 0

haha that's great!! keeper lol

RonnieBurgundy 0


0opsie 6

@196: lmao He's a keeper, life with him will never be boring. :D

hahaha and your razor (OP) eats pussy hairs.

so so so funny makes me laugh every time

brokenhelix 4

oh FYL hardcore! you're dating someone with a sense of humor. FYL twice over! kick his ass to the curb before he makes your frumpy ass laugh. you're the reason his life sucks so leave him

yeah it looks like you just came out of the matrix

oh cmon, that's no FML situation... that's just funny hahaha