By Anonymous - 06/10/2011 17:04 - United States

Today, I saw a man dancing to a Britney Spears song in his Volkswagen Beetle. I started laughing hysterically until he got out. He was huge. I was stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 673
You deserved it 35 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Say you are laughing because you just remembered a funny joke. If you're lucky you will live.


Don't judge someone based on what music they like (and I love Britney Spears! :P )

YDI for laughing at him because of what music he was listening to. Britney is much more tolerable than Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber that we have to deal with these days. Although I wish I had this guy's car - I love Beetles!

I would have laughed too. And probably took a video too. As for when he got out, I'd just say I loved his dance moves and thought he was a badass and felt the need to document the badassness. ;)

and in turn of events, i'm laughing hysterically at you now

You should have recorded it and put it on YouTube. I want to see it so I can laugh too.

Karama is in a fact a b¡tch... But, thats still f*ck¡n hilarious!!!