By not_relaxed - 25/10/2010 04:22 - United States

Today, I returned from vacation. Because of rain, I spent 3 days sitting in a hotel room, watching a TV with bad reception. I'm now less relaxed that if I'd have just stayed home, because that wouldn't have cost me $500, and my TV has more than 15 channels. So much for my first vacation in 5 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 192
You deserved it 5 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The rain isn't going to kill you, darling...I know it's a scary thing for you California folk to understand, but you will NOT melt if you go outside while it's raining. Of course, I still recommend an umbrella.

FFML_314 11

Did you go on vacation by yourself? There are things to do when it's raining. Museum, restaurants, strip clubs, bars, robbery. PLENTY of things.


You didn't even bother to go down to the pool or get an umbrella to go out? YDI

FMLL2016 16

Why didn't u check the weather before u went?

I live in Scotland, if I stayed inside every time it rained I wouldn't be able to leave the house. It seems to me that you are just lazy and were looking for excuses.