By PurpleSloth - 15/02/2013 13:57 - United States - Tracy

Today, I realized that without my birth control pills, I would have no idea what day it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 901
You deserved it 16 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiterOfCola 16

Rough and getting off. That's just the way she likes it


Satoaoi 13

so the pills serve as a calendar too. cool

kayluhh18 11

I rely on mine for the day of the week sometimes too lol

Since you're obviously stupid, please continue taking them so you don't breed any mini-stupids.

ABrokenRose 7

I have that same issue. I am more likely to realize what day of the week it is because it then any other means.

It's a good thing ur not procreating then

Without that constant reminder of having to write it down on my notes, as soon as I was finished with school I found myself never knowing what the date was. For the most part I still don't. It's sad, but my Attending is who keeps up to date.

Life_sucks_13 6

It's okay OP! It's the same with me! Sometimes I even screw those up!