By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 01:10 - United States

Today, I realized that the guy I've been sending anonymous, dirty emails to knows who I am. My signature, which includes my full name, was automatically added to the end of every email. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 603
You deserved it 82 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourskittle95 5

sorry op but you totally deserved it.

vivsss 11

why were you sending dirty emails anyway?


Hahaha I wonder if you look like Bridget Jones. It seems like something she would do.

talking from a hackers point of view, you do realise it won't take long to trace out where your emails came he knows where you live too.,creepy times

YDI, some people are too illiterate on computers for their own good.

lizzy515 0

wow hate to say but ur dumb...and by the way ur sig only shows up if u have it allowed

ydnar 5

look at the bright side you have probably been awarded the most YDIs in the history of FML. Here's one more.

damn that sucks. when I act like a weirdo creepy stalker I always take special care to leave my signature out.

You do know that it also says your name in the From field unless you changed it.

Neylin 7

Why wouldn't you think of using a different e-mail and not one you use enough to have your full name attached? You'd be amazed how much information one can track with just an e-mail address.