By kherien - 12/08/2012 17:31 - United States

Today, I realized that if I died tomorrow, the only photos available for my funeral would be crappy family Christmas portraits, acne-filled yearbook photos, and several pictures from my MySpace days, where I'm sporting coontails and looking paler than Edward Cullen's ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 115
You deserved it 8 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then go out and take awesome pictures of yourself!


Derrrrrrp32 6

Who knew being so ghostly with red pimples wouldn't break the camera.

JonahCullen 3

You do NOT use Edward Cullen's name in vein!!!

Take a good picture and don't be such a ass

That "whiter than Edward Cullen's ass" part made me laugh more than it should have.

hiandrews69 29

Take some pictures with some friends. Have fun. I'm sure you don't look THAT bad. Live a little.

wrenavery90 12

So what? I mean. you have a phone. If you need pics of yourself then take some.