By glitterzebra - 09/10/2011 08:30 - United States

Today, I realized that I can tell how long it has been since I have been with a guy, by the length of my leg hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 260
You deserved it 13 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhpsfan9 10

how could you go that long without shaving....


lmaoatall 6

So are you saying that your leg hairs continues to grow like tree rings? You must be bics best customer.

perdix 29

Your long leg hair not only measures how long you've been alone, but also repels any future male attention (with the possible of a few weirdos who prefer furry gals.) You need to invest either in a razor or a vibrator.

LadyLexi 0

Yes, there is something utterly creepy, sexually, and mentally wrong with you if Justin Bieber turns you on or gives you a boner.

perdix 29

I hope that comment is misplaced. Justin Bieber doesn't give me a boner, and you can't prove that!

Rickrollol_fml 0

Your leg hair better not be over a foot long...

Drummerboy1234 0

they really let this one on here?

sexxme 9

Damn shave your legs! Why do girl only shave their legs to impress guys. Do it for yourself too! It probably just makes your situation worse, not only do you have hairy ******* legs, you also haven't gotten with anyone. So at least work on the thing that is under your control. Who knows, maybe it'll help you get with someone.

LadyLexi 0

The question that remains unanswered...

LadyLexi 0

The question that remains unanswered... *"She" appears on Worlds Most Wanted the next day*

Delannnnnnnnnie 0

If you do shave more often, you might feel sexier and more confident to attract a date or two.....or enjoy the freedom of not having to do it for awhile. But please, just not to the point where it blows in the wind.:P