By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 14:39 - United States

Today, I realized that getting wasted before finals is not a good idea. I sat down in the test hall, reached into my bag for a pencil, and found instead three baby carrots and a spoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 673
You deserved it 64 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you actually thought it was a good idea before?

How would this possibly not be your fault?


Remember kids, never get drunk before finals. Get high.

Kc1001 14

you ha a dumb-ass moment. we all do.

You couldn't stay sober for a little while and be prepared for the next day? Why even bother getting an education if you're just going to behave like moron? No sympathy from me.

ghil_fml 7

well u better know how to write with that carrots...

There's no way you don't deserve this.

WantsHazzasGravy 11

Directioners will get this.

Yeah, you need all the energy, concentration and prepping possible... Alcohol negates all of the above before AND after

OP. You are just a stupid ****. How did you even get into college?