By Cantgetno - 20/09/2011 07:45 - United States

Today, I realized my tampon goes deeper than my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 466
You deserved it 6 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

k8izgr8_fml 0

well atleast you'll get one week of pleasure a month

Wow. Maybe he should strap the tampon on him.


How is it your boyfriends fault for having a gaping ***** hole? Maybe he doesn't wanna go in too far for fear of what might be inside.... He sees what you do to those tampons

justanotherbird 19 with a small dick is more likely, judging on the comment. How could someone not know how vaginas work? You'd think with the amount of **** "******" they see, they'd get some idea of it.

Really? Lol it was a joke. I know how a ****** works I have one xD but every other gal on here already explained it 4 times over. My bad mkay?? Oh and ps I don't watch ****. I have more important things to do :)

I had to give you a thumb's up for the eloquent phrase "gap ***** hole".

You need to take your tampon out before sex.

alexdeka 1

Guess he does not know how to work his gun...

12dcevin 5

Today, I realized my girlfriends **** are smaller than the width of my hand

Buzzy123 7

Send him penis enlargement e-mails

lol I read this and compared my dick to a tampon and noticed ur boyfriend really does have a small one

lmfao, that's the funniest complaint I've ever heard!

bubo_fml 10

However, after your boyfriend's lil' willy, a monster will stay w/ you for 9 months & eat you out of house & home for the next 18 years...Sounds like the tampon's the better deal...