By Avery - 24/03/2012 20:06 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I realized I've been confusing scenes from The Lord of the Rings with American history. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 555
You deserved it 29 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alstbv12 13

One does not simply confuse real life with Lord of the Rings.

If only our history was as cool as LOTR's...


"..and then the Ents collaborated together to ensure that the environment was cleaned up after they found pollutants in the Hudson River. They were motivated by two hobbits from the Shire who were initially supposed to die until the leader Ent realized that their land and their tree friends were being savagely ripped down and polluted"

Try reading the books...try not to become part of the fellowship of Lord of the Rings fans.

chels1994 11

you're* and in your info.. curious*

Learn some facts about our ******* country, you might find out that people that dont live in it know more than you and would do anything to have your citizenship! Go to iraq and suck some terrorist balls you fagatron.


One does not simple walk into Boston... Wait, what?

sk8ergirl553 0

don't you mean Barack Obama??