By Avery - 24/03/2012 20:06 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I realized I've been confusing scenes from The Lord of the Rings with American history. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 555
You deserved it 29 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alstbv12 13

One does not simply confuse real life with Lord of the Rings.

If only our history was as cool as LOTR's...


happens all the time for me! im a history buff but i still sometimes start talking bout battles in Game of Thrones

subversivefreak 2

It isn't so far fetched. Lord of the Rings was written around the time of World War 2. In a sense, there are some parallels with particular events in world (as opposed to American) history. However, I'm talking about the broader backdrop rather than the personal storyline.

alyssana 0

Frodo failed... George Bush has the ring.

YOU SHALL NOT PASS(history class)!!!!!

HaleyXx_fml 11

I've been doing the same with with skits from american dad.

And this is why other countries call us idiots

Bitch please America don't have a history, they've only been around for a fraction of English history let alone the ancient empires

HaleyXx_fml 11

So the long wars and hardships endured by the American forefathers doesn't count as history? Let alone impacts we have had in the world. The chase for freedom that opened up so many opportunities for the rest of the world. I thin America has much history.

A history of bloodshed and cruelty towards native populations, not to mention slavery and civil war (followed by foreign war after war after war after war) then unwanted overseas occupations. Then there's all the domestic violence, religious violence and intolerance, and the general racism, sexism, and greed... Oh, and three of your own presidents have been assassinated.

HaleyXx_fml 11

Just about every other country started off that way too so I don't see why you are stereo typing America.

From now on an "A+" will be your precious.

crazy as it sounds, our class learned about one of the battles from that movie!

MoutainDrewski 0

Actually LOTR is somewhat based on events that happened in WW2, Nazghouls=Nazis

Actually, it's based on the events of World War I, as Tolkien (and several of his friends) fought in that war - but not in WWII (he acted merely as a codebreaker for the English). Also it's spelled Nazgul.