By jasmine - 23/02/2010 16:48 - United States

Today, I realized I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Too bad he has never once made me orgasm in the two and a half years we've been together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 691
You deserved it 7 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hardly an fml sorry. you have a great boyfriend, sex is only a by product of a relationship. it shouldn't be that important. plus it can be fixed, try new positions, toys, there are plenty of solutions.


anela_fml 0

teach him what to do they like that

You are the problem here! stop blaming your boyfriend and do something. I am sick of girls saying they can't have orgarms because their boyfriends fail. You suck.

I can't see how you can blame her unless she's letting him think that he's pleasing her. Guys can get off to just about anything. Girls are different. When Viagra came out, they promised that within a few years they'd come up with a "pink" sister pill, and they couldn't actually put it to production because it's not all physiological and it's not the same for every girl. You suck.

Then coach him and teach how to make you ******. I swear most women are stupid as ****.

Stand_Up 0

Yeah, thanks asshole. Maybe we're to shy to tell our boyfriends they can't make us ******, did that ever cross your mind? Most men: if they heard that: Would NOT be happy. Would you like it if your girlfriend said.. "Hey Cyrus.. i'ma teach ya how to make me ****** since you can't do it yourself!" Common sense.

Common sense? Since when is it his job to make YOU ******? Don't whine about it unless you're willing to show him what works. Take some ******* initiative.

TannerNo5 1

Then teach him how to. Easy cheesey.

Maybe it's not him, it's you. You have to learn for yourself what you like, and then teach him. Everyone is different. He can't read your mind.

willcoro 0

I think u should just **** hard till u hve one then he will be a better boyfriend and snickersoodles looks like a *****

maybe you should talk to him and tell him how you like it? have you given yourself an ******? if you dont know how to have one you cant blame him for not giving you one.

Well maybe he isn't the most amazing in the world after all...