By jasmine - 23/02/2010 16:48 - United States

Today, I realized I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Too bad he has never once made me orgasm in the two and a half years we've been together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 691
You deserved it 7 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hardly an fml sorry. you have a great boyfriend, sex is only a by product of a relationship. it shouldn't be that important. plus it can be fixed, try new positions, toys, there are plenty of solutions.


Monikabug 9

Ok really? #120 hit this one head on. Thank you BB.

kk2krazee 0

ydi for faking...i hope he never satisfies you- just for being dumb and not communicating to him what works and what doesn't. After 2 years you think you would have some decency and try to help him if he can't make it happen on his own. You know your body better than anyone else or do you.

Igor_g5 0

So how is he so amazing? my GF has an ****** every time we see each other. actually a few of them.

so? you have the most amazing boyfriend in the world.

stay with him... and teach him where he needs to be

he must not be as amazing as you say...

you think its easy to giv a woman an ******? u are a bitch, ******* help him. there is already enough pressure on guys to perform without bitches like u making some guys feel inadequate. when I started wit my gf I was shit at sex, now I'm better but I'm still not great and its a horrible feeling. the worst, so shut the **** up op.

To those who say (good) sex is not the whole of a relationship, I agree. However, it IS an important part of an adult life together. The best analogy I have ever encountered is "Sex in a relationship is like the salt in a meal. If it is the whole meal it will become toxic, but without it the whole thing is flat and bland". And please note: I refer to GOOD sex by this. And yes, yes - I am aware that some people cannot eat salt. I feel sorry for them... Hopefully somebody will get the point I'm trying to make.