By Larentiah - 26/02/2012 22:18 - United States

Today, I realized how bad my feelings of inadequacy compared to other women and jealousy are when I started thumbing down songs on Pandora simply because the cover art had a better looking woman than me on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 664
You deserved it 31 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. its okay, just listen to some justin bieber...

Sounds like you should seek some sort of counseling.


I don't think that belongs on FML that's just sad. You're judging people on their appearance (however airbrushed it may be) and somehow thats FML?

Please learn how to value people for more than just their looks. I wish people focused more on intelligence, character, or good works. Beauty means nothing without these things. Try to find other (healthier) ways to solve your insecurity problems. you're beautiful just the way you are! We all are.

hilary56 0

Cover artist are always gonna be good looking. Too bad

barlozak 1

It's okay like sucks but u can get over it

firefighter4567 0

It's okay 99.9% of women are prob. Hotter than u

I feel the same way. I freaked out on my boyfriend cuz he wanted to watch a movie that had a naked girl in it. Definitely need counseling.

Those people are fake, so don't worry ;D

What is beauty, besides a standard created by beings who have more pull on the majority of the populace than a regular human being... Beauty is a word... It means little to me