By jodibut - 06/02/2012 16:18 - United States

Today, I put my boyfriend's t-shirt on and took sexy pictures with nothing else but panties. I then sent him the pictures. His reply was, "Can you wash that when you're done?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 751
You deserved it 8 049

Same thing different taste


screwhim622 0

thats dumb of him. I wish i had a boy that i could send sexy pics like that to. I love to wear boys shirt and boxers ;) hehe just leave him a better one will come along

You should send that pic to someone how'd appreciate it.... Like I don't know someone like me!!! Lol

Bet your girlfriend who you love and want to settle down with would appreciate it too.

desireev 17

113- I couldn't have said it better! :)

poleybear 3

You should send those to someone who will appreciate them! Like me! :-D

He doesn't want his other girlfriend to smell you on his clothes.

JukeboxValkyrie 19

We don't know OP's hygienic habits. Perhaps she's dirty, or looked dirty in the pic.

flockz 19

I'm shocked.... No one's said it yet. Very well then... To OP's boyfriend: "Man Card Revoked." :p Sorry you weren't appreciated OP. Better luck next time.