By Anonymous - 22/09/2010 19:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I put an anonymous note under my neighbour's door asking them to not have sex so loudly during the day. Since then, I haven't heard any sex. Unfortunately, I have heard a woman crying loudly because she just found out about her husband's affair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 571
You deserved it 10 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

this is bad how? you informed her that her husband is a cheating bastard. its better for her to find out now than years down the road.


thetweak70 2

I would only see this as an fml for OP if he put his name on that note, then he'd be getting his ass kicked

this isn't a FML yes u did ruin their relashioship but u also revealed a cheating a hole so good 4 u

Yeah HE (the neighbour) deserves it for loudly cheating on his wife all day!

firemedic59 0

swoop in & be the rebound ****!!

Sam_13161821 0

Not really an fml.. You let a woman know that her husband is a cheater. Kudos!

I saw a Dear Abby letter that was similar. The person was looking for suggestions to politely ask their neighbour's to stop being so indiscrete. Abby suggested an anonymous note, to save them embarassment. Abby is usually right. In this case, OP has nothing to feel bad about. These days, cheating on someone is risking their life or herpes etc... The dirty dog deserved to be found out, OP could have inadvertently saved the wife's life!

Guillory24 0

wats wrong with them having sex during the day...those hours arent "disturbing the peace" hours, so why would u do that anyway...why would u go write a note getting in sumones business that isnt yours during daytime hours??!! ...that just baffles me... ur an ass

Assuming this was an apartment, there's no such thing as "disturbing the peace" hours. People work from home or work night jobs, the elderly, babies, and young kids are home at that time, etc. When you live in an apartment, you have to abide by certain rules at all hours, whether the rules are in the lease or just a matter of common courtesy. Loud sex is a bad idea, especially if you're trying to hide an affair.