By dirtythief - 18/07/2013 16:01 - Philippines - San Juan

Today, I placed an order at a fast food joint, when the elderly lady behind me cussed me out for ordering the same thing she wanted. She ranted that I was a "dirty thief", while everyone else glared at me as if I was holding up the line. What the fuck? FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 601
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Confruzzled 10

Dont order her meal next time. Sheesh.

flashback.miss 28

Well, be nice enough to hand over her sanity while you're at it.


Wow 33 you handled that a lot different than I would have. I actually would knock my friend out if he acted any way like that and took my food. I'm just the type of person that hates when people try to say they're right without listening to reason.

I said YDI because who cares what that obviously demented old gal thinks!?! The same goes for the other customers! The more I type, the less sense your story makes.

MidnightMusic53 37

Actually, the more you type, the more idiotic you sound. You can't call OP a faker because something like that hasn't happened to you. The whole point of this site is to share strange occurrences that most other people do not experience themselves. That old lady could have had a number of problems. A lot of elderly people just tend to fall apart as they age. As for the rest of the crowd, you yourself just demonstrated how idiotic people can be when they don't know enough about a situation. To top it off, they're hungry. Hungry people tend to be quite cranky. Nobody deserves to be yelled at by a crazy old lady because they ordered the same meal, and then get glared at by a bunch of people who probably only heard the old lady call OP a thief and then jumped to the conclusion that OP had done something wrong and was therefore holding up the line as a result. I apologize for the rant, but I am really getting sick of people squealing about things being fake because nothing similar has happened to them.

why do old people think they should get anything they want cause they are old?

Please excuse my few typing errors? When I realize them it was too late to edit.

******* old people... Should have smack the dust off the old hag...

All those people who voted YDI must be related to the elderly woman and the people who were glaring at you.I hope to God they don't reproduce.