By douchetard - 26/03/2009 07:37 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend's very religious parents for dinner. Somehow we got to talking about her groin hernias that were repaired as a baby. I never knew she had hernias repaired and said, "But she doesn't have any scars down there." There was a long awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 545
You deserved it 134 645

Same thing different taste


adelaide_evening 0

Wow, you certainly are tactful. Who talks about groin hernias over dinner anyway?

Who talks about groin hernias in ANY normal conversation, for that matter? o.O

e_stone_85 3

well i do, i tend to talk about anything really, there is very little that i won't talk about ... but i do know the right time and place

Clearly my family dinners are very different from everyone else's, theres no subjects off limits really. I thought most families are like that.

if they bring-up subjects like groin hernias, at the dinner table, you should be able to answer with something just as awkward.

LeadTheWay 5

"oh yea, see when I was a kid, I got premature boners" lol that would do it

fillmyheart028 0

you should have tried to play it off as a joke or something lol

milo_fml 0

LMAO. That was hilarious. This is the kind of FML there should be more of. Funny ones. Not the pity party kind.

braFTW 0

LOL Sometimes it really pays off to think before saying anything. =D