By Anonymous - 21/08/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, I married the man of my dreams. At the after-party, my psycho grandma stood up, called for quiet, and engaged in a long rant about how this was "the beginning of the end" and advising everyone that the secret to a successful marriage is "cheating, plain and simple". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 313
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste


lindsey1023420 5

Aw. She sounds like a nice lady who is optimistic about love.

No... The secret to a successful marriage is being a faithful companion, doing activities you both enjoy to keep the flame alive (NOT talking about sex!), and not becoming a lazy deadbeat over time. Cheating is the secret to becoming scum of the Earth. Plain and simple. Sounds to me like granny had issues of her own during her marriage.

It's a FML. We all know cheating is bad, but thanks for stating the obvious.

Darling, trust me...sometimes stating the obvious is necessary.

Well i think also a healthy sex life is important too

And private time away from each other, so that they don't get tired of each other

Oh, I understand a healthy sex life is important, but I find it rather disturbing when people tell me it's the ONLY thing keeping the relationship together. And 100% agreeing on time off from one another. No one wants to be suffocated with love! No matter how much they really do love each other.

OP your grandma is an asshole, tell her to get her mind out of the fifties, and into 2011

i wish my granny was like that there would be. little humor in my life then

otb113 7

Gotta love old people. They truly make the world interesting.