By Rizzle - 04/10/2009 07:50 - New Zealand

Today, I made a tuna sandwich. It was really nice , so I looked at the label to see what brand it was. Turns out it wasn't tuna. It was fancy cat food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 728
You deserved it 45 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually cat food is eaten by humans (to test it, first of all, and a variety of other reasons I can't think of on a Sunday afternoon), so it's perfectly safe... and half of the time it's better than the processed crap most people put on sandwiches. Now go clean your teeth, otherwise you'll have cat breath. It aint the end of the world!

Oh well! If it tasted nice it's not really that bad of a FYL. Just watch what you're eating next time.


This is why you look at the label BEFORE ingesting the contents of the tin, not after.

Dude andrew zimmern that shit if it looks good **** eat it dude HA!! Think about it cats love that shit they hav the best lives eat it maybe u won't give a shit about anything jus like kats!

This is exactly what someone who has eaten too much cat food would say.

haha, check your spelling before posting your comment. you're especially stupid for spelling 'cat' once then later on putting in 'kat' instead when you meant the same thing. it doesn't look too good. please pay more attention in school from now on, kthnxbai (:

4 some odd reason, I love the way this was written. It sounds like the way my little brother would write it. Easy to understand and nothing to over the extreme.

Dixie_Normous 0

Well, it tasted good, didn't it? Who cares?

cat food is full of entrails and shit that humans shouldn't eat .. thats why

This isn't an FYL in the slightest. In fact, you may have done yourself a favor. Thanks to the AAFCO and considering the fact that pet food doesn't contain product that isn't expressly certified as "safe" (if it isn't pre-approved, it doesn't go into the food or it's a violation), you probably had a more healthy meal than you would have had otherwise.

welderchick87 0

How did you not notice that you were in the Pet Food isle at the grocery store? That's the only place you'd get the cat food. They don't put it next to the tuna or any other food for that matter...if it has anything to do with pets, it has it's own isle. You're either stupid, or this is a fake.....

piddly_03 0

or he has a cat that eats canned cat food that he stores in the pantry with the other canned food.

I think you are the dense one for not thinking that maybe the OP has a cat, that should be the first thing that comes into your head

YDI for having cats, they're the worst ******* pets.

not to an Asian restaurant owner...

Not really pets in that case... More dim sims

cryssycakesx3 22

maybe he lives at home and his mom put it in another container, as per another FML. OP thought it was good so he checked the trash.

Of course it was good, you made it with "fancy" cat food. The cheap stuff would have been yucky.