By Rizzle - 04/10/2009 07:50 - New Zealand

Today, I made a tuna sandwich. It was really nice , so I looked at the label to see what brand it was. Turns out it wasn't tuna. It was fancy cat food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 728
You deserved it 45 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually cat food is eaten by humans (to test it, first of all, and a variety of other reasons I can't think of on a Sunday afternoon), so it's perfectly safe... and half of the time it's better than the processed crap most people put on sandwiches. Now go clean your teeth, otherwise you'll have cat breath. It aint the end of the world!

Oh well! If it tasted nice it's not really that bad of a FYL. Just watch what you're eating next time.


Rainkicksu 0

Lmao, FYL cause you just ate cat food but YDI for not checking before you eat something. And haha #5

They're not kidding when they say it tastes like tuna. Not that your cat cares.

you really should have checked, i recommend doing so in the future. ROFL. heeheehee, you like cat food!

Erindub 0

Be kept on eating it right?

you know there is nothing wrong with it its just straight tuna probably the same thing you would've have eaten anyway so...not a big deal

i'm not convinced... how's it so much cheaper then?

I knew this was from NZ. I almost gave my mum our fancy cat food instead of tuna aswell. they look so similar. was it yum?

lol! nearly confused a can of cat food for tuna before as well...

at least we know are cats are getting good food now...good one for taking one for the team... the team, the world of pet lovers lol

why **** your life? it was good wasnt it? !