By Fubar0906 - 19/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I'm on vacation. I spent $4000 to surprise my boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii. We have been together over a year. Turns out, he hates the outdoors. He's mad at me for bringing him here and is upset at everything. He's in the room reading, I'm at the bar drinking $10 Mai Tai's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 550
You deserved it 17 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been together over a year and you didn't know that he hates the outdoors? I gotta say YDI.

He seems like a jerk...any normal person would at least try to enjoy themselves when the significant other put in that much effort. Sorry, that sucks! On the upside you are in Hawaii!


Even if you don't like outdoors, that's still a pretty shitty excuse to be pissed at your girlfriend who just dropped 4 stacks JUST to be with you in a paradise. I mean, if I had a girlfriend, I'd be very glad if she surprised me just to spend time in my house with me, let alone Hawaii, and I live in yeehaw "**** my sister" redneck land.

Psh. I'm not exactly a beach bunny, nor outdoorsy...But I'd be thrilled to be surprised with a trip like that. Tell him to stop being a little bitch. Or just go have fun without him. If anyone asks why you're alone tell them the truth. You have a whiny ungrateful boyfriend.

"waaah I hate Hawaii!" WTF?!?! Most people hate the outdoors because its hot, humid, buggy, etc, but I don't think Hawaii is those things. Maybe hot, but I assume there is an ocean breeze. Anyway, you should buy your lame-ass boyfriend an early plane ticket home and then ENJOY yourself! Find some cute surfer! =)

SMH_at_Myself 0

I also hate hate HATE the outdoors. But dammit...if someone tells me we're going to Hawaii, I'll be the first one on the plane!! ship? I say...leave his ass up there, grab your stuff, go down to the front desk, switch your room, cancel HIS return ticket, and live YOUR life!! Next time go with your girl friends! :-)

oh_hey_there 0

how do you not know your bf of over a year hates the outdoors? lol #36

lalalaaa911 0

YDI for spending $4000 on someone that you have been dating for only a year. FYL for having an ungrateful douche of a BF that doesn't appreciate the thought and money that got put into this trip despite the fact that he doesn't like outdoors.

YDI, but a year is not two years and I feel like you can get past this and make it work if you want to.

cdcrigler 0

what an asshole. sounds like you need a new boyfriend. Even if he doesnt like the outdoors he should realize that your trying to do something nice for him.

Well, YDI for not knowing he hates outdoors (sort of), but FYL (and moreso FHL) for him being such a douche. Even if he hates outdoors, don't people like that generally hate stuff like camping, hiking, etc? Why the heck wouldn't he want to leave his hotel room in friggin Hawaii? I mean, he hates outdoors so much that he won't go sit at a bar or lay on the beach? What does he do at home? Sounds like a hermit or a vampire or some shit. Tell him you extended the leaving date of the trip, but then still leave on the day you were scheduled to and leave his ass there!

unlucky91 0

You get to go to Hawaii ! no fml here