By Fubar0906 - 19/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I'm on vacation. I spent $4000 to surprise my boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii. We have been together over a year. Turns out, he hates the outdoors. He's mad at me for bringing him here and is upset at everything. He's in the room reading, I'm at the bar drinking $10 Mai Tai's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 553
You deserved it 17 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been together over a year and you didn't know that he hates the outdoors? I gotta say YDI.

He seems like a jerk...any normal person would at least try to enjoy themselves when the significant other put in that much effort. Sorry, that sucks! On the upside you are in Hawaii!


waxstigmata 0

well you shouldnt being going on that expensive of a vacation after only one year, but on the other hand you were just trying to do something nice and he shouldnt be such an ass about it! i don't care if you took him across the street to a flower feild, the fact is you were trying to do something nice for both of you and he's whining like a little bitch! dump him.

FYL for having a douchebag boyfriend, but YDI for not knowing he doesn't like the outdoors.

Take me instead babe, I love the beach and I will buy all we can drink Mai Tais!

In that year, apparently you got to know him better below the waist than above. Communication, dear. Important stuff. Avoids messes like this.

dg72592_fml 0

wtf who hates hawaii? no offense but your boyfriend sounds like he sucks. are you sure theres not something else bothering him? that seems like a pretty strong reaction...

How can anyone hate the outdoors, especially the beach? and especially the beaches at Hawaii, i thank God for giving us the Great Outdoors.

dump his unappreciative ass and find yourself a non-sissy-boy who likes the outdoors please!

i agree with everyone else, you should have known that he didn't like the outdoors, but he shouldn't be such a baby about it

Sounds like your boyfriend is a douche. I mean it's fing Hawaii. I hate the outdoors also but even I want to go to Hawaii.

Uh, I live in Hawaii and there's more to do than outdoor things and drink $10 Mai Tai's.