By Fubar0906 - 19/05/2009 01:11 - United States

Today, I'm on vacation. I spent $4000 to surprise my boyfriend on a trip to Hawaii. We have been together over a year. Turns out, he hates the outdoors. He's mad at me for bringing him here and is upset at everything. He's in the room reading, I'm at the bar drinking $10 Mai Tai's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 550
You deserved it 17 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been together over a year and you didn't know that he hates the outdoors? I gotta say YDI.

He seems like a jerk...any normal person would at least try to enjoy themselves when the significant other put in that much effort. Sorry, that sucks! On the upside you are in Hawaii!


kandi_shop_xoxo 0

Hey... I will go lesbian for you!! haha I want to go to Hawaii, but my boyfriend won't take me.. :(

GabriLee - It's ridiculous to spend $4000 on someone when you clearly don't know what they like - especially when it's not just the lack of knowing what they like, but also the fact that this ignorance about someone you supposedly "love" causes you to spend that much money on something they actively hate. THAT is what makes this such a joke. Not just the "You've only been together for a year, that's too much money" part, but everything else on top of it. He hates the place. Being dragged to a place you hate does not equal a "dream romantic vacation."

koneko12984 0

i hate the outdoors in general and i would LOVE a trip to hawaii. take me next time eh? :P

comadank 0

wow he's a real d o uche. dump him he's not worth it go flirt w some great lookin guy and tk yr mind off this loser make the most of this holiday!

beebeeL 1

YDI it 4 not knowing he hates outdoors and FYL cuz yu have a stupid bf whu doesnt appreciate nething .

Faced159 0

Oh sweety. You can take me to Hawaii. I'll treat you right. ;)

sjam 0

Jeez, for that much I'd at least make sure my partner liked the destination. That said, though, he is being a whiny little dick about it. I don't like hot places that much either but it's Hawaii! It probably has a million things to do there that don't include sitting in the sun. Dump his ass! Find someone who can be an adult.