By joanikens - 26/03/2016 19:02 - United States - Buena Park

Today, I'm a barista at Starbucks. When my crush walked in and asked how much his coffee would cost, I said a date. He said he'd rather pay for the coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 091
You deserved it 6 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chin up OP! I heard he listens to Nickelback while doing cross fit... You're better off without him ?


Maybe next time "it's free if you have one with me, say tommorrow around 2, or whenever you're free..... Worked for me

Professionalism counts. He wanted a cup of coffee, work isn't a single's bar.

The comments on this thread definitely explain why I can't find anyone under thirty with a work ethic, professionalism, or standards of conduct. The entitlement is strong with the Millennial generation, it seems.

Maybe stay professional while working?

Oh man, that was smooth, but I'm gutted it didn't work out for you!

Smooth, OP. I gotta remember that line.

Nice line anyway, you'll definitely get someone with those moves ;) (no joke!)

404wan 19

Am i the only one here Who thinks this is creepy? If i go to buy a coffee and am told the price is a date that would make me really uncomfortable. You're in function at a place of business... Act like it.

randybryant799 20

I feel bad for this guy. He just wanted some freaking coffee. Now he's going to start avoiding coming in because you've now made it uncomfortable for him.